Yes, you guessed it right, we also do packaging content. All those fancy deceiving words on burger packages that make you want to ignore the calories and fat percentage? Yep, we design those, too. So you see what a big responsibility we have: within the limit of the packaging, we have to craft words in a manner that leaves the consumer helpless. Okay, that sounds bad, but really, that is the art of packaging content.
We’ve repeatedly gloated about our choice of words but, hey, it really does apply everywhere. The copywriting team at Creative Nigari has studied the psyche of commercial affairs in Karachi (Pakistan) and they are well-versed in the game of words. Which means we realize, that one wrongly picked word for the packaging could influence the consumer’s decision to buy the product negatively, and we do not want that.
At Creative Nigari, we hope to string the words on product packaging so beautifully and with such care, that it plasters a smile on the face of the consumer as they buy it. Words so eye-catching, that the consumer feels the need to buy it right away.
The copywriters at Creative Nigari fully comprehend the scale of their responsibility. Not only do we please with our sense of humor and accurate descriptions, but we also realize the importance of putting down safety measures or crucial information that the consumer must know before shopping. We take our given material and execute it with utmost attention and focus, keeping in mind not to miss out on any details that consumers might want to be wary of, e.g. allergies.
We’ve now painted ourselves as not just funny, but considerate, too. Could your choice get any better than Creative Nigari for packaging content?